
Behind The Image, A Solo Show by Daisy Abi Jaber

Jan 16 – 30, 2025

Location: Mark Hachem Gallery Beirut, VGX2+V6H، Rafic Salloum Street Capital Gardens Building Mina El Hosn Downtown


If These Walls Could Talk, They Would Scream: A SOLO SHOW BY ATHIER MOUSAWI

Dec 10 - 20, 2024

Location: Galerie Mark Hachem: 28 Place des Vosges, 75003- Paris


Let us be the Light!, Solo Show by Maysaloun Faraj

18-25 Septembre 2024

Location: Galerie Mark Hachem


The Kaleidoscopic Soul: Jordi Mollà's Eclecticism in Color

25 June - 10 July 2024

Location: 28 Place des Vosges, Paris 3e

Galerie Mark Hachem is proud to present an exceptional exhibition by renowned actor and painter, Jordi Mollà. The opening will take place on June 25 at 6:00 pm, at 28 Place des Vosges, Paris 75003. This event promises to be an unforgettable encounter between the Parisian public and one of the most versatile and fascinating artists of our time.


" Les inattendus " Solo Show de l'artiste Mauro Corda

18 Décembre 2023 - 2 Janvier 2024

Location: 28, Place des Vosges, 75003

Dans cette toute nouvelle exposition présentée à la Galerie Mark Hachem, Mauro Corda s'engage à rendre l'art accessible à chacun, élargissant ainsi son impact sur un public plus vaste. En tant qu'humaniste au regard perspicace, il perpétue une tradition classique qu'il revendique avec vigueur, tout en l'actualisant de manière magistrale. Il entrelace habilement une esthétique établie avec sa vision du monde, lucide, subtile, parfois troublante. Naviguant entre les courants du symbolisme, du naturalisme et du surréalisme, l'œuvre de Mauro Corda pointe avec audace les grandes interrogations contemporaines telles que l'identité, l'environnement, la génétique, les fléaux épidémiques et les progrès scientifiques. Il partage également avec une profonde émotion son ressenti intime face à un thème universel, celui de la vie et de la mort, un sujet auquel tous les grands artistes ont prêté leur écho au fil du temps.


"Vibrations" par Warinsko

Vernissage le 30 Novembre à partir de 18h00. L'exposition aura lieu du 1er au 14 Décembre.

Location: 28 place des Vosges, 75003

La galerie Mark Hachem présente l'exposition "Vibrations", solo show de l'artiste Warinsko. intérprète contemporain du mouvement de l'art Optique

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" Gunter Sachs Photographic Retrospective "

Preview november 09 from 18h30 - Exhibition on view until november 17

Location: Galerie Joseph, 116 Rue de Turennes, 75003

Galerie Mark Hachem Gallery presents an exceptional retrospective of the famous photographer Gunter Sachs during Paris Photo Week. Gunter Sachs (November 14, 1932 – May 7, 2011), also known as Gunter Sachs von Opel, was a photographer, author, industrialist, and head of an institute specializing in astrology research. His career began in the world of sports before gaining international acclaim as a documentary filmmaker, photographer, and third husband of Brigitte Bardot.

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" Sunday in The Park with Tom ", Marwan Chamaa's solo show

October 10, 6pm - October 26

Location: Ground Floor Capital Garden Bldg, Mina el Hosn, Beirut Central District

Mark Hachem Gallery is proud to present a solo exhibition by the Lebanese artist Marwan Chamaa, from October 12th till the 26th. A pioneer of Lebanese Neo Pop-Art, we can see influences of the likes of Warhol and Lichtenstein in his work, with their bold colours, layered content, and comic-style. His carefully chaotic works reflect our culture of consumerism, while simultaneously creating a sense of rawness thanks to his use of styles typically attributed to graffiti. Born in Beirut, Marwan Chamaa’s artistic journey led him to study at institutions like the American University of Beirut, the Lebanese American University, and the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design at George Washington University, and has led him to spend his adult life between Lebanon, the USA, and Germany. Throughout his career, Chamaa’s art has been a reflection of his unique perspective on the world, and his familiarity with multiple cultures has enhanced this perspective, broadening it to impact his art. He draws inspiration from his immediate surroundings and personal experiences, using the physical world itself as his muse. In his “Sunday in the Park with Tom” series, Marwan celebrates the beauty of life through an illustrated letter to American Pop Artist, Tom Wesselmann. This letter is written by an individual who is embarking on a new life in a foreign city, leaving behind their homeland. It’s a heartfelt letter full of color and excitement for a new beginning.

" Them ", a solo exhibition by Rima Salamoun

21st september

Location: Ground Floor Capital Garden Bldg, Mina el Hosn, Beirut Central District

Mark Hachem Gallery is delighted to present the solo exhibition of visionary Syrian artist, Rima Salamoun The artist describes herself as a dedicated observer of human evolution and the ever-shifting tides of change. Fueled by her profound fascination with the human experience and her passion for drawing and painting, she has cemented herself in the art world as an unparalleled storyteller. She completed her education in Fine Arts at the Damascus University in 1987, and has since become a great artistic force, with her work being shown at length both locally and abroad. A respected member of the Syrian Syndicate of Fine Arts, Salamoun’s presence graced numerous collective exhibitions across the Arab world and Europe. In her work, Salamoun explores women’s lives; she places great importance on representing the human condition, and all the paradoxes within it. She views herself, and indeed all artists, as witnesses of life. Her work is like a diary; she imbues each brushstroke with intention, depicting the world and people she perceives, narrating her experiences through art.


" Unveiling the Elemental "

september 15 - septembre 28 2023

Location: 28 place des Vosges, 75003

"Unveiling the Elemental: Jean Boghossian's Solo Exhibition showcases the artist's mastery over fire, texture, and form across three distinct series: 'Rhythms,' 'Broken Burnt Lines,' and the seminal 'Wave.' While 'Rhythms' orchestrates a dance of fire and paper to create captivating, textural landscapes, and 'Broken Burn Lines' flirts with the ephemeral through delicately burnt layers, it's in 'Wave' that Boghossian plunges us into a maritime odyssey. This wave—born from an inspired blend of plaster and pigment, that became an unintentional homage to Hokusai— captures not just the sea, but embodies the core elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Anchored in the maritime yet infinite in its reach, 'Wave' captures Boghossian's ongoing exploration of nature's ever-changing canvases and the transformative energy of the elements. “


Artful Crimes

22 june - 6 july

Location: Beirut Central District, Lebanon

die Famous is a collaboration between American painter Morrison Pierce (b.1972) and Lebanese/Finnish painter Yasmina Nysten (b.1988).Yasmina's work has been faithful to this asymmetrical experiment conducted on the human form since 2009. Both similarly influenced by various movements, namely pop art and the running currents of progressive painters on the east coast from the 80s and 90s, die Famous brings a ting of darkness and a bite to their vision of the contemporary world. Working in mixed media, mainly on canvas, die Famous remains loyal to the street art esthetics and paint murals frequently in various locations in the US. die Famous stands for being non-apologetic about artistic explorations in Love and Death. It is about staying in direct correlation with the energy which brings each work to life.


Prisons Contemporaines

20 juin - 9 juillet 2023

Location: 28 place des Vosges

La galerie Mark Hachem présente l'exposition personnelle " Prisons Contemporaines " de l'artiste Yves Hayat, il nous présente le concept de l’enfermement, mais son propos va au delà de l’incarcération physique, car aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, le véritable enfermement se trouve au-delà des murs de prison: la course effrénée à la célébrité, la soumission de notre société moderne aux marques et aux injonctions de la beauté. Mais aussi dans le quotidien de chaque individu, comme le contrôle de nos vies par les réseaux sociaux, la video-protection, la reconnaissance faciale, les moyens de paiements. Pour aller encore plus loin, la religion et les traditions, l’auto-enfermement, la solitude, le confinement et mêmes les addictions. 

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Taking the long way home

6 juin - 27 juin 2023

Location: 28 place des Vosges

La Galerie Mark Hachem présente "Taking the long way home", une exposition qui met en scène l'univers enchanteur de James Chedburn et l'œil artistique de Jean-François Deroubaix . James Chedburn, sculpteur britannique établi en France depuis 1990, offre une expérience empreinte de magie et d'évasion à la Galerie Mark Hachem - Paris. Son travail figuratif, véritable ode au mouvement, transcende les limites de l'art traditionnel pour offrir une expérience sensorielle unique. Dans cette exposition, les sculptures captivantes de Chedburn sont magnifiées par les photographies envoûtantes de Jean-François Deroubaix. Les pièces exposées révèlent les aspirations profondes de James Chedburn, évoquant le désir d'exploration, de Casablanca à Liverpool, ces destinations légendaires qui nourrissent nos imaginaires et font naître une soif intarissable d'aventure. L'artiste nous convie à embarquer à bord de vaisseaux insolites, confectionnés à partir de bric-à-brac et d'objets recyclés, offrant ainsi une seconde vie à ces trésors du passé. Ces navires singuliers nous transportent vers des contrées poétiques et imaginaires, réveillant en nous les rêves d'enfant, ces moments où nous aspirions à échapper à un quotidien, voguant librement dans les airs et sur les flots, affranchis de toute contrainte temporelle.


Conversations by Ghazi Baker

April 27- May 20

Location: Lebanon

Mark Hachem presents « Conversations », Lebanese artist Ghazi Baker's solo exhibition.


Monique Gourgaud - Les Planètes Ambiguës

February 1-18, 2023 Preview January 31

Location: PARIS


Ammar Hammoud - LABYRINTH

Exhibition from the 19th of January until the 1st of February. Opening on Thursday January 19, 2023 from 6 Pm.

Location: Beirut


'Intriguing Natural Symbols' Solo Exhibition by Ihab Ahmad

December 20,2022

Location: Lebanon

Mark Hachem Gallery is delighted to invite you to an upcoming event on December 20th showcasing the work of our artist Ihab Ahmad.

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Norman Reedus « Live the life you love »

Du 12 au 17 novembre 2022

Location: Paris

La galerie Mark Hachem et Geraldine Beigbeder ont le plaisir d'annoncer la représentation de Norman Reedus et de présenter l'exposition personnelle de l'artiste à Paris intitulée "Live the life you love". Norman Reedus n'est jamais sans son appareil photo. À l'image de sa vie sur le plateau et dans le monde réel, les images de Reedus oscillent entre le réel et le surréel. Certains portraits restent vifs et clairs, tandis que d'autres sont lavés dans l'intrigue : granuleux, brumeux et obscurcis. Ce qui unit tous ces visages, ce sont les yeux qui les voient : ceux de Norman. De ces yeux émane une intimité perçante, à la fois précieuse et rare. À l'occasion de la semaine de la photo à Paris, l'acteur et photographe exposera ses nouvelles œuvres à la Galerie Mark Hachem illustrant ses voyages et ses rencontres photographiées au fil de ses nombreuses aventures.


Charles Khoury "Headway"

Exposition from November 8 until November 22

Location: Beirut

The Mark Hachem Gallery is pleased to present “Headway”, a solo show by the Lebanese artist Charles Khoury that will be on viewing from the 8th of November until the 22nd of November. Primordial shapes that teeter between the representational and the abstract and painted in a palette of vibrant saturated colors and grays fill the canvases of Lebanon-based artist Charles Khoury. Khoury’s thickly outline contour line crowd his dynamic compositions, often named for the hues that dominate them.


FRANCO ADAMI "Un lexique de constructeur"

Exposition du 19 octobre au 2 novembre 2022